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Advanced Installer Enterprise

Advanced Installer Enterprise

Price:USD 1,-+TAX
Harga:Rp 16.486,-+PPN

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Advanced Installer Enterprise is a Windows Installer packaging and authoring tool developed by Caphyon. It enables developers, ISVs, and enterprises to create and maintain installation packages with a friendly and intuitive graphical user interface. This tool supports various packaging formats, including EXE, MSI, and MSIX. Here's an overview:


  • User-friendly GUI

  • Project wizards for simple and quick installation package creation

  • Support for per-user and per-machine installs, with customizable Add/Remove (Control Panel) options

  • Project templates and solutions for easier management of multiple projects

  • Integration with Autodesk and Revenera for importing existing projects

  • Context-sensitive help and tutorials with illustrations for a smooth learning curve

  • 64-bit and 32-bit package creation

  • Forced rebooting after successful installation

  • Formatted fields using variables and parameters

  • PowerShell integration for enhanced control and configuration

  • Visual Studio, .NET, and Java integration

  • Installation analytics and reporting for KPI tracking and user data insights

  • Template support for Visual Studio, .NET, and Visual Basic-type apps, with Java-specific components

  • Multi-language localization capabilities and custom dialogs for a personalized user experience